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Resolutions Reimagined - Why 2024 will be different

Reorienting New Year's Resolutions

The dawn of a new year sparks the age-old tradition of setting resolutions. It's a familiar scene: we vow to save more, eat better, and ramp up our fitness routines. Sound familiar? I’m sure many of us have been there, pledging to turn over a new leaf as the calendar flips. 

In our December survey, these classic resolutions certainly held their own:

% of Americans considering for 2024 New Year’s Resolutions

  • Save Money  (40%)

  • Eat Healthier  (36%)

  • Exercise More  (36%)

Yet, an interesting new development emerged. As our lifestyles evolved over the years, so too do our goals and priorities. It's clear that the foundation of many resolutions – financial stability, health improvement, and fitness – remains strong. But, we're witnessing a shift from traditionally outward-facing goals to emphasis on the less visible aspects of our lives. 

Remarkably, staying hydrated now tops the list at 43%, eclipsing even the more traditional resolutions. Similarly, indulging in self-care (35%) and getting organized (29%) are increasingly taking center stage. These resolutions are not just about outward appearances; they're about inner fulfillment and well-being.

Focus Is Needed To Achieve Our Goals

At the Christmas Eve church service just a few days ago, I learned this poignant interpretation of the word 'focus' as embodying warmth and togetherness. Did you know that the Latin origin of “focus” is “hearth and fireplace?" Interestingly, I had already included "focus" in my survey weeks before hearing this message, yet I've been obsessed with thinking about the word focus over the last few days since that service. Then lo and behold, I got my New Year's resolution survey results back and focus was a major theme in the data. I don't think it's just coincidence or serendipity.

These insights illustrate that Americans are yearning for "focus" - to find joy, be present, and reduce screen time not just as a digital detox, but as pathways to richer, more meaningful human connections and experiences. This drive for focus is even higher among parents, Gen Z, and multicultural consumers.

% of Americans considering for 2024 New Year’s Resolutions

  • Focus on finding more joy in your life (33%)

  • Focus on being present, not distracted (25%)

  • Reduce screen time  (18%)

What Are We Solving For?

When you dig deeper into the data, we find two undercurrents to these resolutions. First, about half of Americans (46%) report craving more in-person, social connection time with friends and family. Parents of teenagers crave social connections the most at 55%. Yet, on the other side, 24% of Americans report being "very lonely" with a whopping 50% of Gen Z and 32% of Millennials reporting being "very lonely."

We are still unwinding the unintended consequences of the pandemic, and the data shows that 2024 will be a year of more inward focus. This shift towards a more holistic approach to well-being marks a significant change in how we view resolutions. We're moving beyond the realm of measurable, tangible targets to embracing resolutions that enhance our overall life experiences.

The Journey Back to Joy Continues

Find joy in your 2024 resolutions.

  • Start Small: Tackle achievable goals. Want to stay hydrated? Begin by adding just one extra glass of water to your daily routine.

  • Track Your Progress: Whether it's a journal to track your journey back to joy or an app to keep a record of your goals, it's important to see how far you've come.

  • Be Flexible and Kind to Yourself: Remember, it's okay to modify your goals. Life is unpredictable, and resilience and joy are the keys.

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